Inert Gas Systems (IGS)

Inert Gas Systems (IGS)


Course Category: ,

Scope (Target audience):
This course covers the minimum requirements as prescribed in Section A-V/1 paragraph 10 and 12 of STCW ’95 and IMO “Guidelines for Inert Gas Systems”. It is recommended for those who will be involved in discharging, ballasting or crude oil wash operations. Content can be tailored to meet customer requirements.

This course is structured to give ship’s officers, tanker terminal and management personnel an appreciation of the current range of Inert Gas Systems and their safe operation.

Course content:

  • Introduction
  • The inert gas system
  • Scrubber
  • Inert gas blowers
  • Inert gas pressure-regulating valve
  • Non-return devices
  • Inert gas distribution and venting
  • Gas-analysing, recording and indicating equipment
  • Inert gas operations
  • Meters, indicators and alarms
  • Emergency procedures
  • Maintenance and testing

Note to client:
After successful completion of the course candidates will receive an Inert Gas Systems (IGS) course certificate.


  • Government issued Id or Passport

Odobreno od:

  • Croatian Register of Shipping

No upcoming course dates available at the moment.

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STCW and Marine Courses