Refresher Elementary First Aid

Refresher Elementary First Aid

Scope (Target audience):

This model course aims to provide the training for Elementary first aid for seafarers to launch and take charge of a refresher Elementary first aid, in accordance with requirements of Regulation VI/1, Section A-VI/1 and Table A-VI/1-3 of the STCW Code as amended and IMO Model Course 1.13.


After successful completion of the Elementary first aid STCW course the trainee will be able to demonstrate competency to take immediate action upon encountering an accident or medical emergency until the of a person with medical first aid skills or the person in charge of medical care on board.

Course content:

  • Resuscitation
  • Bleeding
  • Management of shock
  • Burns and scalds, and accidents caused by electricity
  • Rescue and transport of casualty


Elementary First Aid certificate

Note to client:

After successful completion of the course and examination candidates will be introduced with Elementary First Aid procedures and receive a Refresher Elementary First Aid course certificate.


  • Government issued Id or Passport

Odobreno od:

  • Croatian Register of Shipping
  • Republic Of The Marshall Islands

No upcoming course dates available at the moment.

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