Refresher Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats

Refresher Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats

Scope (Target audience):

This model course aims to provide the STCW PSCRB training for candidates to launch and take charge of a refresher Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats, in accordance with requirements of Regulation VI/2, Section A-VI/2 paragraph 5 and Table A-VI/2-1 of the STCW Code as amended and IMO Model Course 1.23.


This is a one-day course comprising theory and practical sessions and candidates are required to be fit enough to undertake practical drills in handling inflatable rescue boats, life boats and life rafts.

After successful completion of Proficiency in survival craft course the trainee will be able to demonstrate competency to launch lifeboat in heavy weather, abandon ship drill procedures and scenarios.

Course content:

  • Use of Survival equipment
  • Launching arrangements
  • Evacuation and recovery of survival craft and rescue boats
  • Actions to take when clear of the ship
  • Actions to take when aboard a survival craft
  • Drills in launching and recovering boats
  • Drills in launching life rafts
  • Drills in launching and recovering rescue boats


Refresher Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats certificate

Note to client:

After successful completion of the course, adopted knowledge on difference between lifeboat and rescue boat, SOLAS lifeboat regulations and examination candidates will receive a refresher Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (other than fast rescue boats) course certificate.


  • Government issued Id or Passport

Odobreno od:

  • Croatian Register of Shipping
  • Republic Of The Marshall Islands

No upcoming course dates available at the moment.

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STCW and Marine Courses