Refresher General Operator’s Certificate For The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

Refresher General Operator’s Certificate For The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

Scope (Target audience):
This model course aims to provide the training for candidates to launch and take charge of a refresher General Operator’s Certificate for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System, in accordance with requirements of Regulation IV/2, Section A-IV/2 and Table A-IV/2 of the STCW Code as amended and IMO Model Course 1.25.

A trainee successfully completing this course and passing the prescribed examination will be enabled to efficiently operate the GMDSS equipment and to have primary responsibility for radio-communications during distress incidents. Training will also be provided in techniques to avoid the unintentional transmission of false distress alerts and the procedures to use in order to mitigate the effects of false distress alerts following unintentional transmission.

Course content:

  • Statutory framework of the Maritime Mobile Service
  • Identification of Radio Stations
  • Service Publications
  • Technical general communications
  • Miscellaneous skills and operational procedures for general communications

General Operator’s Certificate for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

Note to client:
After successful completion of the course and examination candidates will receive a refresher General Operator’s Certificate for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System course certificate.


  • Government issued Id or Passport
  • 2 passport size colored photographs

Odobreno od:

  • Croatian Register of Shipping
  • Liberia Maritime Authority

No upcoming course dates available at the moment.

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STCW and Marine Courses