Shipboard Energy Conservation

Shipboard Energy Conservation


Course Category: ,

Scope (Target audience):

This Course is dedicated towards the Senior Officers (deck and engine) with focus on promoting shipboard energy conservation by providing easy to se techniques for ships to save fuel.


The Objective of the Course is to give an overall view of applicable methods of fuel saving.

Course content:

  • Energy efficient ship operations
  • Strategies for all ships
  • Monitoring Fuel Consumption
  • Ship Energy Conservation Awards
  • Strategies for Multi-ship Operations
  • Energy efficient propulsion plant operations
  • Gas Turbine and Diesel Engine Propulsion Plants
  • Steam Turbine Propulsion Systems
  • Energy efficient propulsion systems
  • Gas Turbine Propulsion Systems
  • Diesel Engines
  • Steam Turbine Propulsion System

Note to client:

After successful completion of the course candidates will receive a Shopboard Energy conservation Course certificate.


  • Government issued Id or Passport

No upcoming course dates available at the moment.

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