Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

The Risk Assessment course for senior officers on board vessels is a specialized training program designed to equip maritime professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify, evaluate, and mitigate risks effectively in the maritime environment. Through comprehensive theoretical instruction and practical exercises, participants learn to analyze various aspects of vessel operations, including navigation, cargo handling, machinery operation, and crew management, to anticipate potential hazards and assess their potential impact on safety, security, and the environment. Emphasis is placed on developing a proactive approach to risk management, incorporating industry best practices, regulatory requirements, and organizational policies to ensure the safety of personnel, protection of assets, and compliance with applicable maritime laws and standards. By fostering a culture of risk awareness and accountability, the course empowers senior officers to make informed decisions, implement risk control measures, and lead their teams with confidence in challenging and dynamic maritime environments.

Scope (Target audience):
This Course is dedicated towards the Senior Officers (deck and engine) with focus on analysis and evaluation of risk.

The Objective of the Course is to give an overall view of the procedures and methods necessary to evaluate sources of danger.

Course content:

  • Introduction to Risk Assessment
  • What is risk assessment?
  • Why do risk assessment?
  • When to do risk assessment?
  • The risk assessment process
  • Identifying Hazards
  • Managing the Risks
  • Practice Exercise

Note to client:
After successful completion of the course candidates will receive a Risk Assessment Course certificate.


  • Government issued Id or Passport

Odobreno od:

  • Croatian Register of Shipping

No upcoming course dates available at the moment.

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STCW and Marine Courses