Maritime Cyber Security

Maritime Cyber Security

Scope (Target audience):
This course has been designed to meet standards The Guidelines on Maritime Cyber Risk Management (IMO – MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3 Guidelines on maritime cyber risk management) and Resolution MSC.428(98) (Maritime Cyber Risk management in Safety management System). Ship owners and managers must incorporate these guidelines into their safety management system by January 01st 2021.

This course is suitable for all ship – and shore –based personnel who interact with IT and operational equipment.
The trainees who successfully complete this course will be able to:

Provide the key definitions and aspects related to Cyber Security and specify the important factors for the prevention of Cyber Attacks in maritime industry
Give an overview on the general procedure and various methods used by criminals to bypass your security measures
Provide an overview on general procedures and various methods used to conduct Cyber Risk Marine Assessment and Cyber Risk Analysis.

Course content:

Part A: Cyber Security Awareness

  • ​Introduction to Cyber Security
  • Cyber Threats
  • Cyber Safety
  • Types Of Hackers
  • Phishing Examples
  • Mobile Security Threats

Part B: Maritime Cyber Security

  • Introduction to Maritime Cyber Security
  • Cyber Security Risks
  • Cyber Security Plan

Note to client:
After successful completion of the course candidates will receive a Maritime Cyber Security Certificate.


  • Government issued Id or Passport

No upcoming course dates available at the moment.

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