Ship Manoeuvring and Handling

Ship Manoeuvring and Handling

Scope (Target audience):
This course has been designed to meet the requirements of regulation I/12, II/1,II/2 of the STCW convention and sections A-I/12, A-II/1, A-II/2,B-1/12,B-II/1 & B-II/2 of the STCW Code.
Course provides guidance for all navigation officers who have at least 6 months watch-keeping experience as officer in charge of a navigational watch.
Program can be tailored to specific shipping company operations.

The trainees who successfully complete this course will be able to proactively participate as members of an efficient bridge team using correct bridge procedure and respond effectively to changing circumstances and contingencies.

Course content :

  • Introduction
  • The Effects of Various Deadweights, Draughts, Trim, Speed and Under-Keel Clearance on Turning Circles and Stopping Distances
  • Effects of wind and Current on Ship Handling
  • Manoeuvres and Procedures for the Rescue of Person Overboard
  • Squat, Shallow Water and Similar Effects
  • Proper Procedures for Anchoring and Mooring
  • Review and Assessment

Additional Prerequisite:
At least 6 months watch-keeping experience as officer in charge of a navigational watch.

Note to client:
After successful completion of the course candidates will receive a Ship Maneuvering and Handling course certificate.


  • Government issued Id or Passport
  • Sea Service - 6 Months Certified

Approved by:

  • Croatian Register of Shipping

No upcoming course dates available at the moment.

Course Registration

If you would like to register for our course, please fill in your details in this Course Registration Form below and you will be contacted by our staff for course date and other details

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